Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Sinboy has been our homie for a minute now. The week we opened SUPERCHIEF he was like, “Oh you guys started a magazine?” And then he drew our drippy logo in 10 minutes.  Since then he has been overseas tearing shit up with his street art, designs, and now with his band, The Nuggers. We linked up with him this week to get the low down on all things Sinboy.
What inspires your work (art and music)?
Frustration, the absurd, dick and tit jokes, bags under the eyes, Scotch, gagging, stuff made before the internet, people with guts, people who work hard.
Where have you been living/ working for the last few years?
I’ve been living in Bucharest, Romania for the last ten years. It’s like the Mexico of Eastern Europe, with less beheadings and worse drugs, but just as fun and grimey.
Done any great collabos with new friends?
At the moment I’m doing animation stuff with my friends at Weareom, Also I’m planning on doing an exhibition with my friend Christophe Lambert, who is fucking immortal unless you cut his head off.
Are you working on something now besides music?
I’m doing an animated video for a local band, 90′s trash style. Also a coule of exhibitons, one with handmade signs. I’m also customising a pinball machine with my own graphics and sounds.
Regarding your music, what would you call your sound besides indie or garage rock? What influences the group?
We play loud rock n’ roll with a garage base to it. We’re influenced by bands on Voodoo Rhythm, Slovenly, FDH…Sonic Nightmares…stuff from the 60′s…shouty music and fun drunk ass shows where you get a lot of nip slips.

Sinboy by Hand
Sinboy Street Art
Sinboy Designs
Bucharest 2007,  Collaborative project with Sam3
Bucharest 2007, Project in collaboration with Sam3
Projection, Bucharest


Breaking Bad The One Who Knocks Shirt
Cool Breaking Bad-themed shirt with a nod to Scarface called "The One Who Knocks" by WinterArtwork.

don't talk, draw


Cup size


Monday, 27 August 2012

Unusual Art Mediums

You! Be Inspired! – Unusual Art Mediums:
For most artists a piece of stretched canvas or paper is the most common mediums for their artworks. These materials have been used countless times throughout history because they are very easy to work with and they are readily available in most stores.
Graphic designers and artists on the other hand take an easier road because their art medium is just a click away. However, there are some artists who were brave enough to venture into the unknown and use materials that are outside the norms of common artists. Here are a few examples of such works.

PENCIL ART by Jennifer Maestre

Pencils have long been used not only by artists and designers. For most of us, the pencil has been our first tool in creating our first artworks. The same is probably true for designer and sculptor Jennifer Maestre. But if you’re thinking that she’s great in drawing artworks using a bunch of pencils, then you’re wrong. She actually uses the pencil itself to create art.
Inspired by the sea urchin (a marine animal), her design is completely made out of pencils strung together to form a sculpture. Here are some of her works.

PAVEMENT ART by Julian Beever

Pavements and walkways are usually lined with poster and billboards that act as promotional materials for some product. But you seldom see the actual pavement be the art medium of an artist. English artist Julian Beever is one of only a handful of people who uses ordinary pavement to draw his 3D illusions.

TAPES AND REEL ART by Erika Iris Simmons

Cassette tapes and film reels might be a thing of the past but for Erika Iris Simmons, they are the kind of materials that can be made into one-of-a-kind artworks. Her work usually depicts faces of famous people recreated using strands of cassette tapes or film reels. Here are some of her works.

LEGO ART by Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya is a New York based artist who decided to create art pieces from LEGO bricks. His work ranges from small pieces that take around a few hours to make and uses 15,000-25,000 bricks to gargantuan sculptures around 20 feet long that uses more than 500,000 LEGO bricks. His work has been featured in different galleries in New York, Washington and Connecticut.

TOAST ART by Maurice Bennet

More popularly known as the Toastman, New Zealand based artist Maurice Bennet creates amazing art pieces from, you guessed it – bread toast. His exhibitions of toast art are inspired by Tapa Cloth, Maori carvings and Pacific patterns that are found in areas near New Zealand.
Here are some of Maurice’s delicious art pieces.

CAR DIRT ART by Scott Wade

Have you ever come across a dirty car in the street and secretly wrote “wash me” on its dirty surface? Well internationally acclaimed artist Scott Wade takes things a few notches higher by creating art from dirt in automobiles. Here are some of his works.
If you’re the car owner would you still want to bring your ride to the carwash after Scott Wade has used it for his paintings?

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