Thursday, 1 December 2011


This is one of the good movies I have watched this year, probably because it has one of my favorite comedians but nevertheless this movie actually did not fall short of my expectations. I don't even want to go on about the plot of the movie or anything but what I can say is that it was refreshing to watch a movie about a cancer patient who, despite undertaking chemotherapy, still had the lungs to smoke weed and that the fact the movie did not have any reference whatsoever to any supreme being/ deity.
When it came to getting better it was a matter of "will he be ok?" no special healing or miracle event was recorded or mentioned throughout the movie.
Plain and simple this was a simple movie, no hero or super powers were involved, no fancy car (I consider the VW Golf as one of the coolest car but not the fancy or hottest car), no Greek mythological tales and I even doubt if CG was used?
A simple, funny, good movie. How much I enjoyed the movie? enough to go buy an original DVD and probably another copy for backup.

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