We’ve seen Star Wars, Star Trek, and LOTR appear in different media – from books to MMORPGs, and other marketing platforms. These franchises are already part of the growing and rich tradition of geeks to seek out adventure and excitement without sweating too much.
Since we’re going all-out geek this weekend, we’ve decided to make a tribute post about these beloved stories, shows, and movies. Here are some of our favorite characters recreated and given new life by different creative minds and fans, check them out:
Star Wars
First shown on May 25th 1977, Star Wars gained popularity and immediately pushed George Lucas into Hall of Fame status. Since its showing in the late 70s, Star Wars’ popularity has expanded from simple cameos and references to feature-length parodies by different TV series and producers.
Image Source: Photoshop and Wacom
Battlestar Galactica
A year after Star Wars was released came the original Battlestar Galactica. When a re-imagined series came out it became as epic as Star Trek, but more realistic than its earlier incarnation. BSG’s story line is pretty interesting as it touches religion, morality, and current events.
Image Source: BSG Gallery
Lord of the Rings
Every other story you’re reading right now should call LOTR its godfather. Thanks to J.R.R. Tolkien, we now enjoy different literature that ranges from romance and fantasy, to cyberpunk. LOTR’s epic scope and the years Tolkien spent to create Middle-Earth gave birth to what we now know as High Fantasy.
Image Source: Lord of The Rings — Character Design pt.1
Terry Pratchett’s Discworld gave us the humorous touch in fantasy (where everything is pretty high-strung). Pratchett parodied different historical figures and events in the series. Real-world issues and references to other fictional works are also recurring themes in the Discworld series.
Image Source: Discworld Gallery
Doctor Who
Considered as the longest running television show (though it was cancelled in 1989, had an unsuccessful revival in 1996, it was eventually relaunched in 2005), Doctor Who was first aired in 1963 and is still in production today. Doctor Who has been so influential in mainstream media, that it’s been referenced in various science fiction shows and sitcoms.
Image Source: Doctor Who Posters
These are the characters, stories, and shows that we’ve given tribute to by staying up late just to catch the latest episode, hanging poster prints in our rooms, and attending comicons. These are the stories that we’ve followed and will continue to follow, and we take pride on that fact. Geek Pride Day is about our dedication to the stories we love, not the prestige it gives to us.
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